Team Members: Allan Acevado, Majd Alhakim, Nha Alvarado, Jose Jr. Betancourt Huizar, Samuel Caldwell, Matthew Fancey, Sarah Hussain, Trent Polizzi, Riannon Regan,
Huston Scharnagl, Sofia Silva
San José State University
Project FireWatch is an interdisciplinary engineering team that aims to improve wildfire management technologies and combat wildfires through a wildfire drone and fire trajectory software. Both products are made domestically in the US, appealing to government and commercial markets. The utilization of both technologies brings an efficient method for accurately gathering wildfire information to produce a wildfire trajectory animation that can alert residents, businesses, and firefighters to the predicted area of wildfire damage.
This project is split into two sub-teams: software development and aircraft design. The software team consists of a software manager and two software engineers. Their responsibilities include developing the wildfire trajectory functionality using machine learning and AI, which displays fire direction and implements smoke/fire detection capabilities. The latter feature aids in identifying wildfires at the earliest stages, allowing for timely intervention and mitigation measures. The aircraft team has an aircraft manager and three team leads, with one team working on the fuselage design, one team working on the wing and tail design, and one team focused on manufacturing. The entire aircraft team has a role in the design and manufacturing of the aircraft. This interdisciplinary approach allows our team to delve further into the concepts needed to
create a revolutionary solution.